Looking for a Mother’s Day gift with a difference? Not sure a bunch of petrol station flowers and a battered box of chocolates (price tag hastily removed) will really do the trick this year? A nice handbag maybe, or lunch, or shoes, or scarves, or, or, or… Or maybe something she will really love, something to last throughout the year, something that will give her daily pleasure and make her smile fondly to herself. Give her the gift of garden maintenance.
Even if your mother loves gardening, there will be jobs she hates doing. Maybe she hates mowing the grass, or maybe the borders need digging over and she keeps asking you for a hand? We offer a domestic garden maintenance service which can help. We can do all the things she doesn’t want to do. The mowing, the gutters, the back-breaking digging, the heavy lifting, we can provide support and assistance while not interfering. And best of all, if we do it, you won’t have to!
We are tactful and understanding. We know that everyone has their own ways of doing things and allowing someone to help in their garden may take some time. Our experienced and friendly teams are used to dealing with people and understand how to approach these topics sympathetically. We can provide different levels of garden maintenance. We can come every week and mow the grass, or we can come once a month and spend more time tackling bigger jobs. We are all individuals; all our needs are different.
We can put together a perfect garden maintenance package for your mother. All you need to do is stick a bow on it! As your parents get older it can be tricky to offer them practical help. It is hard for people to accept that they can’t do everything they once could. Giving your mother a gift of help, might be a good way to get her to accept some help.
If you are thinking that garden maintenance would be the perfect Mother’s Day gift this year, we can help. We can put together the right type of package for your mother, that will offer her help and support with some of the larger, heavier jobs. No matter what size of garden, we can help. Call our friendly team today call on 01684 303654.