Are you contemplating your fencing? Does it look a little down at heel, a little battered from the never-ending series of storms that have plagued us? Is it looking a little battle-weary, a little slumped and defeated? Never mind, you might think, the summer is on its way, I’ll worry about it another day.
The problem with waiting is your flowers. Right now, the flowers haven’t burst into life. They aren’t quite pushing their delicate buds up from the rich soil ready to explode into a riot of colours. They are still under the earth, safe and tucked up. This is the perfect time to repair your fencing.
At this time of year, it is relatively easy to remove your existing fence and replace it with a good strong fence, ready to stand up to next winter’s storms. We can easily work around or over your borders without damaging your flowers whilst moving fence panels. In the middle of summer, your flowers will be climbing all over your fencing, and we would have to remove those flowers from your fencing, in order to remove the fencing itself.
We always work very carefully around your garden, and if you want your fence replaced in the summer, we will do that. However, if you have any flowers or bushes, or climbers that grow along your fencing bear in mind they will have to be moved. Plants are amazingly resilient, they do usually survive being peeled off a fence and then reattached onto a new fencing panel, but not all plants survive this. It is safer to carry out the work to your fencing before the flowers take hold and need to be moved around. Always bear in mind that even if you don’t have flowers growing up your fence panels, your neighbours may do! A simple conversation may reduce the neighbour’s wrath as you inadvertently pull up his prized jasmine plant…
We are adaptable and careful in all our work, so if you want your fencing changed in the height of the growing season, we will do our utmost to protect your plants and flowers. However, if possible, consider changing your fencing before your garden springs into life, to minimise any risks to your plants and flowers. At Worcestershire Fencing we make sure that every job is approached with professional enthusiasm and hard work to ensure that your fencing is just what you wanted. Call our friendly team today on 01684 303654.