Do you remember how your parents helped you? How they ran beside you on your first bicycle? Picked you up when you fell? Made you eat broccoli? All those hours of times tables, spelling, standing on cold fields watching you chase a ball… Now it’s your turn to help them.
As our parents get older, the maintenance of their house and garden becomes more difficult. That hedge at the end of the garden, that your father has always just climbed a ladder and trimmed, is becoming overgrown and straggly. The patio that your mum has patiently weeded on her hands and knees over the years, is going unchecked.
Old age is tricky, things that were once simple, are no longer easy. Small jobs can take all day. Strength diminishes and hands grow weaker. But pleasure doesn’t dim, sitting in your garden is still a joy, cut grass still brings its magic smell. You just might need a little help.
We offer a regular ground maintenance service, which can be designed around your parents’ needs. With Worcestershire Fencing we understand that some people can feel reluctant to admit that they can’t cope, and we are used to dealing tactfully with people, and appreciating their emotional reaction to having someone else in their space. We can put together a plan with you or your parents, so that we pick up some of the heavier jobs, leaving them with the areas that they can manage. With our flexible approach, this distribution can change as your parents grow older.
Whether they have a small garden, that only needs a quick monthly visit, or a large property with extensive grounds and driveways, that requires a twice weekly stint, we can help. We can tackle a host of jobs ranging from cleaning patios and driveways, to clearing out gutters. Whatever maintenance is required to help your parents keep their house and grounds in the way they want, we can do it.
If you are concerned about how your parents are managing with the maintenance of their garden or grounds, please contact us. We have experience of handling this situation in a tactful and sympathetic way and will help you broach the subject with your parents in a gentle way. No matter the size of the gardens, we can put together a flexible maintenance plan to help your parents to continue to enjoy their garden. Call our friendly team today call on 01684 303654.